Optimizing Dashboard Management in Sage Intacct Construction

Optimizing Dashboard Management in Sage Intacct Construction

Welcome to our guide on enhancing your workflow with Sage Intacct Construction's dashboard management feature. In this article, we will explore the use of groups to organize your dashboards efficiently.

Understanding Dashboard Grouping

As you utilize Sage Intacct Construction, you may find your list of dashboards expanding. To maintain simplicity and improve accessibility, grouping dashboards into categories can be highly beneficial.

Creating Dashboard Groups

Dashboard groups allow you to consolidate related dashboards under a common heading. This can be done by accessing the settings wheel on the top right of a dashboard and selecting the 'Groups' option.

Assigning Dashboards to Groups

Once you have created your desired groups, such as 'Accounting' or 'Operations', you can assign each dashboard to a relevant group. This helps in categorizing dashboards based on their use-case or audience.

Benefits of Dashboard Grouping

  • Improved Navigation: Grouping creates a more streamlined menu, making it easier to find the dashboard you need.
  • Quick Access: With grouped dashboards, users can switch between related dashboards using a new dropdown list feature without returning to the main menu.
  • Better Organization: By categorizing dashboards, you can keep your workspace organized and tailored to different departments or roles within your company.

Note: To modify dashboard settings, ensure you have the necessary admin approvals or contact your admin user for the appropriate security rights.

Step-by-Step Guide to Group Dashboards

  1. Access the dashboard settings via the settings wheel.
  2. Select 'Groups' at the bottom of the settings menu.
  3. Create a new group or select an existing one.
  4. Assign the dashboard to the chosen group and save your changes.
  5. Refresh your dashboard list to see the updated grouping.
  6. Use the new dropdown list to switch between dashboards within the same group.

Conclusion and Next Steps

In summary, using groups within Sage Intacct Construction's dashboards can significantly enhance your efficiency and ease of use. By organizing your dashboards into groups, you not only simplify the interface but also enable quicker transitions between related dashboards.

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