How to Enter a Daily Log in Sage Construction Management

How to Enter a Daily Log in Sage Construction Management

Introduction: Managing daily logs is a critical component of construction project management. In this article, we'll explore how to effectively enter daily logs in Sage Construction Management, ensuring that your project documentation is thorough and up-to-date.

Preparing for Daily Log Entry

Before entering your daily log, two preliminary steps are essential:

  1. Navigate to the settings button and access feature settings to enable and configure the daily log activity types.
  2. Ensure all firms and subcontractors are listed in the project directory, as they will be referenced in the daily logs.

Entering a New Daily Log

To submit a new daily log:

  1. Select the job from the list or use the provided links.
  2. Go to the project team section and verify all parties are in the project directory.
  3. Return to the project home, scroll to documentation, and click on daily logs.
  4. Use the actions button to add a new log entry manually.

Fill in the required fields, such as project, date, company, and contact. You have the option to change these and add notes. If applicable, you can import details from the previous day's log.

Adding Activities and Details to the Log

Within the daily log details:

  • Add activities and categorize them by type and location.
  • Drag files or link existing documents to the log entry.
  • Use the admin settings to organize activity types and manually enter locations for activities.

Conclusion: Daily logs in Sage Construction Management are essential for tracking progress and activities. By following the steps outlined, you can ensure that your logs are complete and accurate, providing valuable documentation for your project.